
Where Have You Gone Naturally Angela?

What feels like not so long ago, I wrote a blog post about ideas on becoming more consistent in my blogging. Then, I looked at my blog, and before I knew it, months had passed. Again. So here I sit starting to write this, and realizing it’s not that I don’t have things to write(…)

How I’ve Changed in the Last Two Years

I touched on some of this in my reintroduction post. But well, 2013, 2014, and 2015 have truly helped redefine me. First, a quick recap of 2013, which will help in understanding 2014 and 2015. In 2013 I decided to run 13 half marathons… then through in the mix, a sprint triathlon. The training was(…)

Happy Friday! I AM BACK!!

Wow. It’s been almost a year since I blogged. Ouch. I guess life really did take over. I have missed this blog. I have thought of blogging often… then, a free moment happens, and well, playing with my dog, spending time with my love or my friends, seems to take precedence. Always. But, as I’ve(…)

Monday Happy Hour

As a new addition to my blog I will be writing a weekly Monday Happy Hour post… where I will share my wrap up of the week, highs/lows, plans for the weekend, etc. Because as much as I need coffee on Mondays, a post Monday drink is also nice. So… grab your favorite cocktail and(…)