
I had initially planned a post on things you didn’t know about me, things I couldn’t live without, but, well, life happened. So, in line with the title of this, my plan changed, and today, I am writing about change.

Last week I was at chapter meetings for work, and we had a presentation on change management. This was really to help staff and management better manage the changes coming, but, in all honesty, change happens often, so learning about change, how our minds and bodies react to it, and ways to work through the change curve, is beneficial in all aspects of life.

Change happens. Sometimes it is planned, welcome change, other times, it is smack you in the face change. Either way, change can be exhilarating and scary. Welcome and unwanted. But one thing change always is: unavoidable. Every day, you age a little. That is change. Change is necessary for growth.

So, the past couple years have been full of change for me. My marriage ended. I changed jobs. My relationship status changed. My living situation changed. Finances changed.

For the first time in I think, ever, I am going to get a little personal on my blog. December 1st, my boyfriend and I moved in together. Although welcome and wanted, this was a change for him and I. That Thursday, he received some not so great news. We adjusted. We talked about it, our thoughts, feelings, concerns. Then, last Friday morning, what we feared/expected/maybe even hoped for a little, happened.

Change. Unwelcome and welcome. Scary and calming. Unavoidable. So, this past weekend, more talking/planning/regrouping. I know deep in my soul everything will work out wonderfully. But it’s still anxiety creating. Still scary. Still heartbreaking to see him unsure and worried.

But, the timing of my work presentation on change management couldn’t have been better. To hear again, or some of it for the first time, was helpful. The change curve happens. Emotions happen. It’s how we work through it that matters. Our brains revert automatically to fight or flight. Protect ourselves. Denial. All those normal reactions to a perceived threat to our normal. Emotions are high. It’s easy to want to stay with the norm, to avoid the unknown that lies ahead. There was a great quote, “to succeed in change, one must make the status quo scarier than the change.” I fully believe that. The status quo in this case, was scarier. This change, will, in time, be the something greater.

Which brings me back to the change that happened. The status quo was scarier. Was unwanted. Was in many ways, harmful. Although terrifying and unknown… change is happening. So…. Deep breath. A little regrouping, and onward and upward. We’ve got this…