My Secret Is…

I’ve had a secret for about a week now… and man has it been killing me!! Okay, a few people knew, but I kept it off social media and the blog which was a feat in itself.

As you all know, I am running 13 half marathons this year. I have 6 done and #7 is July 13th. I have been training for this and working hard to complete this goal. I started working with a trainer at to help with my strength training as well. Through all of this, I was still searching for something that really sparked my interest. I love running, I conquer obstacle course races and enjoy cycling. Oddly, trying to improve my run times wasn’t a top priority. I am happy just running, for me, I do not need to run faster.


At just that moment, the answer showed up in my inbox. Iron Girl contacted me asking me to compete in the upcoming Iron Girl event at Lake Las Vegas and write about my experiences. My first reactions: WHAT?! I am not a triathlete; I’m in no shape to do this; it could be fun; what about my halfs?; I think I am crazy. So, I replied asking for time to think it over and discuss with my trainer. We have learned that I love to say yes and pile things on my plate, and go until I collapse. I am working on that behavior.

So… I discussed with my husband, my trainer, myself. A lot. Everyone (sometimes even myself) believes I can do this physically. Everything I have read says you don’t have to be great at all 3 events, so, we already know swimming is my weak spot to address. My trainer and I discussed how to merge Tri training with my current training and not lose my long runs. All the pieces were lining up and while this made me happy, it also made me nervous. Was this really going to happen? Was I going to agree to compete in a TRIATHLON?! When I mentioned to my husband I thought I was crazy, his response was “I’m not qualified to answer that”. Thanks, I think, for that vote of confidence.

And, on Tuesday… this happened:


You read that right. I am officially an Iron Girl in training! I will be completing the Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon October 26, 2013 at Lake Las Vegas. WHAT?!?!?! I won’t lie. Hitting the REGISTER button caused a slight panic attack, more of a panic attack than registering for my first half marathon. My mind is thinking of anything and everything I might need to do, what I will need, etc. I need to remember to take a deep breath and take it one day at a time. ONE DAY AT A TIME.


I will be blogging my journey to my first Tri, my training, my thoughts, fears and excitement. I will set up a tab to post all of those stories so it is easier to follow the Tri Journey.

Want to join me? You can register for this event or any Iron Girl event HERE. Be sure to put my name Angela Wozniak in the referred by box and use this coupon code: SOLESISTER for $10 off.

Well, there you have it! My big secret is out and I AM EXCITED (and a little terrified)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you done a Tri? Any advice for this newbie?

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