90 Day Contract Update
9 Nov 2012
I bet you thought I got lost and forgot about this… I didn’t, just got super busy. So wow, it’s already November? Where did the time go? As always, and I am sure you have seen from me, life is hectic, and even threw me a couple curveballs. Thanks for that… but honestly, nothing I wasn’t able to deal with, and compared to how some people’s lives are so changed from the storms on the East Coast, nothing I can complain about.
My one setback in the past 60 days was a sinus infection last week. Normally, I could take a day, sleep and fill up on supps and meds, and keep it maintained. It hit when I had a 50+ hour work week, and no time to rest. So go figure the dang sinus infection lingered all week. By the time Friday came, I left work and crawled into my PJs and slept most of the weekend. I SO needed that, and it felt great. I spent Monday with my hubby (after work) to celebrate our anniversary, and finally ran Tuesday, before leaving on a 2 day trip to Atlanta. Other than that, things are good.
Even with being sick and my body wanting to eat everything in sight, my weight stayed the same and my measurements are steadily improving. I know if I did strength training that would change at a faster rate. I swear, I am trying to love strength training… maybe I just need the right routine. I’m not giving up though.
I won’t lie. Initially, I was frustrated by my weight not budging. I got stuck on a number on the scale. I know better than this!! Yet, it happens. More often than I’d like to admit. I focus on the number, the pants size. So frustrating. I had to take a step back from everything, and step off the scale to find my perspective. Why do these numbers matter? I can claim it’s the ideal, but who’s ideal? How does that number define me? Well, it doesn’t. Here are the facts: my body is curvy, always has been. I have boobs and hips. They won’t ever completely go away, and honestly, I don’t want them to. I may never weight 150 lbs or be a size 8. Here is a truth I need to repeat daily: I can be healthy. What’s the difference?
Well, when I was in high school, I weighed around 150, I was a size 8. I also smoked, ate junk, rarely ate vegetables and rarely if ever exercised. I at a younger age played softball, but in high school hanging out and getting in trouble seemed like a better idea. So yes, I was skinnier than I am now, a smaller size but I definitely wasn’t healthy. That was also 22 years ago. My body and metabolism are not the same they once were. My knowledge has grown and my behaviors have improved. I have stopped the self abuse. I can almost guarantee my cholesterol is better than it’s ever been too.
I can now run a 5k in under 29 minutes, I’ve run 4 half marathons, am running one next weekend, and one in December. I eat whole foods, fruits and veggies all day, and minimal processed foods. I exercise regularly. Sure, I was skinnier 20 years ago, but today, I am the healthiest I have ever been. I choose healthy over skinny.
As far as other goals: our house is slowly becoming our own. I have read 6 books. My hubby and I have regular date nights and he has planned a wonderful weekend of surprises for our 1 year anniversary. I have also just become a #GirlsGoneSporty Ambassador (separate blog on that). I’ve set my 2013 goals, I will release those in December, stay tuned!
Thanks for the continued support! How are you all doing on your goals?
Nov 10, 2012 @ 01:30:50
Sounds like you’re on a roll! Keep enjoying this happy, healthy you, and congratulations on all you’ve accomplished so far.
Ange Woz
Nov 10, 2012 @ 07:00:31
Thank you! It’s been a long and winding road, but I feel more clear on goals and my body than I have in a very long time!
Nov 10, 2012 @ 03:50:31
Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! I love that you understand that your weight and size do not determine if you are healthy or not. I wish more people realized this.
I weighed 125 pounds in high school and starved myself while competing in sports. I was not healthy physically or mentally. I still struggle a bit with body image issue now, but I am in a MUCH better place. I am around 145 (I don’t weigh myself anymore) and I am never been more fit.
Keep up the great work!
Ange Woz
Nov 10, 2012 @ 07:03:22
Thank you Lisa! I have done a lot of work in the body image research area this past year at work, and I know this, but sometimes forget it. I have chosen to only step on the scale about 1x a month now, and that is more to make sure I am maintaining. I would like to use it even less.
You keep up the great work you are doing as well! It feels good to be healthy vs a certain size!
Laura @ Mommy run fast
Nov 11, 2012 @ 19:53:41
You are so right that skinny and healthy are not necessarily the same thing. As someone who has never had curves, enjoy them! I would love to have boobs. 🙂
Ange Woz
Nov 11, 2012 @ 20:06:10
Haha! Thank you! I love mine… I may have wished my hips were smaller, but as I get older, I realize they are a part of me and I love them. I cannot change my body shape, but I can change how I see myself and my health. I must keep reminding myself of that!