Fat Tuesday….
22 Feb 2012
Or, let’s call today: From Fat to Fit.
So, I know in my initial post I discussed how I was overweight… I figured I would give a little more insight. And, today being Fat Tuesday…. let’s talk about how far we have come in our lives. I remember years past making donuts for today (in some places today is fausnaught (donut) day) with my mom… and enjoying plenty of donuts. When I look back at how I ate, I am surprised my body didn’t totally revolt. I did not treat it well. I smoked, I drank, I ate fast food and all kinds of junk and candy, slept poorly, and occasionally tried working out. I’ll admit it, I LOVE food. Here is my unofficial before picture, taken Christmas 2010:
So, after seeing this photo, I made some serious changes in my life, and I am happy to say I have never looked back. I actually now get grossed out at the smell of fast food, drink on occasion (hey, I am still human), exercise regularly, and became a runner. Some days it is still hard to wrap my head around this. It is no longer a forced decision to choose the healthy option on the menu when I dine out. I love that my grocery cart is full of produce and fresh foods. I love cooking, and to be honest, still love food. I just eat the right types of foods. And, they taste amazing when fresh prepared! So, I dropped around 50 lbs. Not too bad, but I am not at the goal weight… yet.
I have always been a fan of The Biggest Loser (not so much this season)… but, on facebook was following Sarah Nitta, who was on season 11, she started a Commitment Team to help keep people struggling with weight loss motivated through the power of online friendships. I have “met” several people… but, a few that really stand out: Tracy, my 2012 running motivation; AMJ: who has lost well over 60 lbs with a lot of personal struggles along the way, and Tim Fenell.
Tim has lost over 100 lbs. He seriously changed his life. He started at 327 and is now around 200 lbs. He has now run 3 half marathons, and is working on a personal goal of his: 12 half marathons in 12 months. He’s got 2 down so far this year. Please check out his story at www.timfenell.com or find his page on FB: Tim’s 12 in 12, talk about motivation!! His before and after shots…. unreal. He doesn’t even look like the same person!!
Tim and I are actually also going to finally meet (ah, the power of running!) we are running a half marathon together March 17th. Finally!!
So, all this talk about changing… I now workout in some way 4-6 days a week. I run at least 3. I am working on eliminating my walk breaks altogether on long runs. I am continuing to eat healthy, including giving up most meats, most of the time. I really love eating fish, so am not ready to make the switch to vegetarianism. Yet….
The point of this blog, is you can change your life. It’s never too late, your never too old, it’s never too hard. To really show change…. before I moved to Vegas, I would spend all day on St. Patty’s Day with friends drinking and watching the parade in town. I mean we would be drinking with breakfast and continuing all day. This year, for St. Patty’s day, I will be running a half marathon (my second) at 8:00 am. Talk about changes! (I may still have a drink at some point that day, I am part Irish).
And, here is my unofficial after picture, taken as I crossed the finish line at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon:
What changes are you going to make for yourself?