Whoa… it’s 2019?! What Did I Miss?
5 Feb 2019
Well… it’s been far too long since I have written or communicated on this blog. My apologies. I took some time to find my focus and direction in life and for this blog. Making sure when I returned, I was bringing you interesting and entertaining content.
You’ll notice I’ve also done a little redecorating here, I felt that after all this time, it was time for some changes.
As you are all aware, and I am sure have experienced… life is full of ups and downs, big changes, and status quo. Since my last post over 2 years ago… life has had a little of everything. But have no fear folks, as I was stumbling through life gracefully, my life has been pretty damn amazing. James and I are still madly in love and going strong. We are looking to move in a few months (I’ll be sharing that journey here), and Miss Mia, despite a desire to eat garland (a story for another time), she is still her amazing, cuddly self. We’ve had a couple great summers and holidays with his sons, and a few amazing trips!
Other things that have happened: Vegas had a tragic mass shooting, which, in the aftermath, really showed the world how strong and close the Las Vegas community truly is. Vegas got an NHL team which, when the shooting occurred, united and comforted this city in a way no one could have imagined. We fell in love with the hockey team. I changed jobs, and now manage a pretty awesome event, a golf tournament. Don’t worry, I am still in non-profit, just a new organization, working to fight cancer.
I’ve done some soul searching, some self-examination, and have deemed that 2018 was my cocoon year. Which, makes 2019 my year to bloom! I have reached the point in my life where I know whom and what is important to me, who and what makes me happy, and ensure that those people and things are my priorities. And, after a scare with Miss Mia’s health in December, enjoying every single moment I have with her.
I turn 45 this June. 45. I am in my mid-40s and I am learning to love myself inside and out, embrace who I am, and strive to be the best version of myself. I am focusing on mindfulness, intuitive eating, self-care, and spending time with those I love and who bring me joy.
So, as you can see, a lot has happened, and a lot is going on for 2019. Plenty of stories to tell. But for now, I am back… follow along as I stumble through life gracefully.