Workin’ It Wednesdays
2 Jun 2016
…a day late….
Good afternoon readers!! I am excited to announce a new weekly series that my boyfriend James and I are starting today, June 1st!
Since he and I met and began dating almost 2 years ago (June 11 is our 2 year meetiversary) we have both put on some “I’M SO FREAKING HAPPY I CAN’T STAND IT” pounds. So, we decided to start a Journey to Health and Wellness commitment. We will provide weekly updates, photos, tips, struggles, etc… and entertain you along our journey to health.
James and I will both be writing, so you will get to “meet” him on my blog. I am so excited for this! Although we are heading in the same direction, our ultimate goals are different, so it will be fun to see how we work together to reach our own goals and support the other’s goals.
I have two struggles right now… one is always a struggle… food. I love food, I love cooking, trying new recipes, cooking for others. The whole experience. I have gotten James to start cooking with me, and I love that time in our kitchen creating our meals. My other struggle? I currently have a stress fracture in my ankle, and can’t run… my one true fitness love. So, I have kinda gone into a slump with working out, and that all changes today.
So… quickly, here are my June goals:
- Lose 7-10 lbs. (lofty I know, but hoping for a good jumpstart)
- Exercise consistently (4-5 days a week)
- Healing a stress fracture has taken me off the running plans, but I’ve gathered some great weight, yoga, and pool routines
- Greatly reduce my added sugar intake
- Meal prep for ALL meals
- Walk my dog a minimum of 1 mile a day
- Hit my 10,000 steps goal
- Daily core challenge at work
My starting data (time to get real)… I haven’t seen these numbers in like 5 years… I am really upset with myself for getting here again. More than you realize.
Wt: 199.8
BF%: 42.6
Bust: 41”
Chest: 35 ½”
Waist: 39”
Hips: 47 ½”
Arm: 13 ½”
Thigh: 28”
Now…. On To James’ goals for June and his measurements, and of course, his thoughts on all this too!
My goals are different than Angela’s. Where she is putting effort into decreasing the 3 digit numbers that show themselves in a snarky, evil way, I am more concerned with my muscle mass and body fat %. I would like to be at 14% body fat in 3 months.
My weakness has always been food that is either sweet or convenient, and very often both at the same time. I justify 1 cheat meal with numerous thoughts to make me feel better about consuming it. That justification usually leads to several cheat meals in a week, and when Angela is out of town for work, I rarely if ever eat healthy nor exercise. I also tend to get discouraged when I don’t have an 8-pack stomach after 2 weeks of moderate exercise and healthy eating and that affects my ability to continue on with the work I was doing. I see progress, but when I look in the mirror after a couple weeks and don’t see John Cena, I tend to get discouraged. That mentality ends now. It’s not a “look” I want, but a feeling. For the first time ever I’m not seeking an aesthetically pleasing body. I want to be healthier internally. The look should follow.
Meals and exercise in our house has become bonding time for us and without her around I haven’t had the discipline or mental toughness to put long-term goals ahead of short-term satisfaction. So often when we are single our goal is to attract a mate and in doing so, we naturally are our “best physical self.” When we have a mate, however, that desire is gone as our number 1 evolutionary goal is complete. We then move to other things on the ladder. This is why, to Angela and I at least, that getting healthy together is the best way to accomplish our goals. We enjoy doing everything together and I feel that us taking this journey together will allow us to both accomplish our goals.
The more people you hold yourself accountable to, the better your chances are of success. It’s why, in my opinion, so many people have a difficult time succeeding with health and fitness. They are only accountable to themselves, so when they fail, they only let themselves down. It takes an immense amount of discipline to accomplish anything substantial on your own. We are now holding ourselves accountable with each other, and allowing you, the readers to do the same. We don’t know how this journey will end, but we hope you at least enjoy taking a small part in enjoying it with us. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.
James’ June Goals:
- Exercise consistently (4-5 days a week)
- Lose 1-2% body fat
- Help Angela meal plan so we can shop and eat/snack as planned
- Plan Angela and I’s treat meal/day so we don’t overdo it (does she realize this will be wings ALL the time?!)
- Angela’s daily core challenge she is doing with her work… might as well tag along!
James’ Measurements:
Wt: 197.4
BF%: 28.2
Chest: 40″
Waist: 37 1/2″
Hips: 40 1/2″
Arm: 14″
Thigh: 23 1/2″
Be on the lookout for updates here, some videos, my instagram: @naturallyangela and of course on our Twitter accounts: @naturallyange and @jamesscou
Jun 02, 2016 @ 16:59:10
Yay, Angela! You are inspiring!
Sara Velasquez
May 19, 2017 @ 20:55:02
How’s the workin’ it Wednesday thing going? Just about as good as my Relay For Life page was going 🙂 Time for HH!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂