Dear October

First, I must apologize to all of you for going MIA lately. I am not going to reveal all the reasons why, it is still personal issues I am dealing with personally. 2013 has been a tough year to date. I am getting stronger and more focused day by day. Know that I have missed(…)

Iron Girl August Recap

I must apologize for being quiet in the Iron Girl training reports through August. Have no fear… the training has been going down! First, with the help of Franklin at iBodyFit, I have been working on building my strength. He gives me great workouts that are never the same and work my body. I haven’t(…)

Spartan Race Giveaway

Spartan Race Giveaway

Based on the huge response I received on the last Spartan Race giveaway, I’d say I have quite a few followers that love the challenge of obstacle course racing. I have good news!! Spartan Races is partnering with NBC Sports Network to feature the OCR World Championship in Vermont September 21-22, 2013. There will be(…)

KindRunner Custom Fit Process

KindRunner Custom Fit Process

Have you checked out yet? If not, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! They are an amazing online running store with an experience like no other. One of their many great concepts: Custom Fit Process. As most of you know, if you go into a running store, they will look at your current sneakers and(…)

Iron Girl Training Week 2

Another successful week! Sunday: July 28: I was supposed to head out for a long run Saturday, but thanks to my dog, postponed it a day. I started out later than I wanted, waiting for the hubby to get up and sit with Brinx. So, by the time I headed out, and being totally exhausted,(…)

Iron Girl Training Week 1

Iron Girl Training 7/20-7/27 Well… it wasn’t officially the start of Iron Girl training, but, I got a head start on it all. I must say, I loved week 1 of training! I cannot believe how much stronger I am feeling compared to last year. So… let’s get down to it. What did I accomplish(…)

A Huge Accomplishment

So, awhile back I decided to finally suck it up and get serious about weight training. The last time I lost weight, I was doing a pretty steady weights routine. Then I got bored and stopped. I stuck mainly with running and was happy. Then I added spin class. Then, I stopped watching what I(…)

Spartan Race Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to… Ali Bazor!! Thank you to everyone who entered and remember, there is also the discount code for 15% off with this LINK!

My Secret Is…

My Secret Is…

I’ve had a secret for about a week now… and man has it been killing me!! Okay, a few people knew, but I kept it off social media and the blog which was a feat in itself. As you all know, I am running 13 half marathons this year. I have 6 done and #7(…)

Spartan Race Giveaway

Spartan Race Giveaway

Hello readers!! Are you a fan of Obstacle Course Racing? Interested in challenging yourself to an event that will push your limits with the obstacles and distance? I am sure you have all heard of the Spartan Race. This is definitely on my list for the next time it is in Las Vegas! Check out(…)